Use Google Home to Control Smart Devices

1 min. readlast update: 10.01.2024

Link Smart Life account of to google app

Use Google Home app to start linking

  1. Open the Google Home app, Select 'Devices' at the bottom and tap '+' where is says 'Add device'
  2. You will then see 'Choose device'. Select 'Works with Google Home'.
  3. Tap the Search icon in the top right corner of the page, and search for 'Smart Life' app name. Select the blue 'Smart Life' icon
  4. You will see 'Link an account to control Smart Life on any device' Tap 'Continue'.  
  5. You can now Add smart home device by selecting them and adding them to an address and room.  You can then select 'Done' whe you have finished selecting the devices.
  6. When you return to the 'Choose a device' menu, select the back arrow at the top left.
  7. You will return to the 'Devices menu'.  You can now scroll up to see the linked Smart Life devices.



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