If you have added OSI Wi-Fi cameras to the Smart Life App, you can view a live stream on your web browser by following these directions.
Step 1: First open this link on you computers web browser: IPC Terminal (ismartlife.me)
Step 2: Open you Smart Life app and select 'ME' on the bottom right
Step 3: Select the QR Code Scanner on at the top right.
Step 4: Scan the QR Code on the webpage you first opened.
Step 5: Select 'Confirm Login' after scanning the QR Code with your phone.
Step 5: On the left column you can select 'All Devices' to a list of you cameras. When you select a camera, the live feed will appear as show below. To close the camera, however over it, then select the X to close it.
You can view from 1 to 16 cameras at a time.
When you log into the PC desktop version and view a camera on your list, when you hover your mouse over the live feed of a video camera.
1. Select the Speaker icon to hear live audio and change the volume settings.
2. Select the video camera icon so you can save the live video feed. The video file will save to your default downloads directory on your computer.
3. Select the camera icon so you can save a photo. The image file will save to your default downloads directory on your computer.
4. Select the MIC and you can converse with someone standing in front of your camera, provided that your computer mic setting are set up correctly.
5. SD (Currently this option is not available) This is to see recorded video
6. 1:1 icon is currently not available.
7. PTZ control - If the camera supports PTZ control, you will be able to Pan/Tilt and zoom the camera.
8. The Full Screen Camera icon
9. X with a circle will close the live camera feed.