How to auto translate OSI YouTube videos to show a subtitled language of your choice.

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

It is possible to watch OSI YouTube videos in different languages (subtitled text). However please note that the translation may not be 100% accurate.

Our youtube video are located here: Check out our Playlists for each product. 

Step 1: Open the YouTube video that you want to watch in a different language and pause the video.

Step 2: On the control bar at the bottom of the video screen, select the CC (Closed Caption) Icon.


Step 3: Next, select the 'Settings' Icon 


Step 4: Select the Subtitles/CC option.


Step 5: Select the Auto-Translate option.


Step 6: You can then select a specific language to view the subtitles while watching the video.


Step 7: Now you can continue to play the video with the subtitled language that you chose.


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