How many Remotes can you add to the OSI Alarm System?

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

A Maximum of 99 remotes can be added. Remotes and sensors (detectors) share the same limit.

(For example, if you added 10 remotes, then you can only add 89 sensors (detectors). On the other hand, if you already added 89 remotes, then you can only add 10 sensors.

How many remotes can you add to the OSI Mini Alarm?

A Maximum of 50 remotes can be added. Remotes and sensors (detectors) share the same limit. 

For example, if you already added 10 remotes, then you can only add 40 sensors (detectors). If you already added 40 remotes, then you can only add 10 sensors.   

What type of battery does the remote use?

The remote uses a CR2025 coin cell battery (lithium metal).

How to replace the remote battery

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