During the day the live view of the doorbell camera is pink or reda

1 min. readlast update: 02.06.2024

If you have your OSI Doorbell camera IR Night Vision set to 'Auto' and during the day the live view of the doorbell camera is pink or red.

Please do the following to reset the IR mechanism.

Select the 3 dots at the top right to enter the settings menu.

Under the Doorbell camera IR Night Vision setting: Manually switch the night vision mode as follows. Turn it 'On', then turn it 'Off', and repeat this four times. If the fault persists, power cycle the door bell camera by turning the power off, then back on, then off and on again. 

If the issue still persists pelase create a Support ticket here: https://www.osigodirect.com/create-a-ticket/

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