Can I schedule the Floodlight Camera light to turn On and Off at specific times of the day.

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Yes, you can set/schedule the Floodlight Camera light to turn on automatically at a specific time and turn off at a specific time.  


  1. Select the device in the Smart Life Menu
  2. Open the Floodlight Menu by selecting the arrow pointing up with two lines below it. This is located on the bottom right side of the screen.
  3. Select 'Light' bottom right side of the screen
  4. Select 'Timing'
  5. Select 'Add' to create the first schedule to turn the light 'On'
  6. Select the time you want the camera to turn 'On' select all of the days you would like this to occur. The selected days will turn green.
  7. You can create a Tag message and turn on Notification if you would like to be notified when the specific schedule has been activated.
  8. Where it says 'Light Switch' at the bottom. You can select the light to turn 'On'
  9. Select 'Save' at the top right side of the screen to save the setting.
  10. Then you can select 'Add' again at the bottom of the screen to create the second schedule to turn the light 'Off'

Light Schedule Menu


Example of light schedule to turn the light 'Off' at 7am and turn the light 'On' at 9pm


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